Thursday, January 10, 2013

Monopoly drops a token

Well, we all know this is a gimmicky publicity stunt on the part of Hasbro.  Monopoly is an immensely popular game.  There are many versions as it is.  There are collector's editions, electronic versions, versions with easier rules, you name it, it's been done.

Interestingly, the pieces we all know and love haven't always been as they are today.  I just learned, through the ap Hasbro has set up, that two of the classic tokens were added in 1952.  Those tokens were the immensely popular scottie dog and the pathetic wheelbarrow.  The game itself was originally produced in 1935.

When asked which one piece to save from removal, the obvious first choice of many would be the little dog.  I voted for the battleship, because the battleship is awesome.  And then you have the second stringers, like the little top hat, the car, the thimble and the shoe.  Those pieces are very cute.

The obvious dead weight here are the iron and the wheelbarrow.  Why on earth did they add a wheelbarrow in the first place?  And, seriously, who wants to be the iron?  The iron is lame.  Hence, the iron and the wheelbarrow have already fallen way behind in the polls, with the shoe and the thimble teetering dangerously near their numbers.

If I were making this choice alone, I would be throwing out the iron and sparring the wheelbarrow.  Alas, everybody gets a say.

Vote here:

While you're at it, they'll be asking you about adding a new piece.  I picked the robot.  I like the idea of adding a musical instrument, but I couldn't see how the guitar would stand upright.

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